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Snoring is more than a relationship killer. It can be a sign of a significant medical condition such


Take this Self Assessment for Sleep Disorders:

  1. Do you snore loudly?

  2. Is your snoring a problem for others?

  3. Do you wake feeling unrefreshed?

  4. Are you somewhat sleepy during the day? 

  5. Has anyone seen any disturbances to your breathing during sleep such as pauses, gasping, or choking?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions you may be suffering from more than just snoring, you may have obstructive sleep apnea.

It is recommended you contact us for further assessment so we can get you on track to a safer and snore-free sleep.  If you would like more information on how we can help please READ ON >>>

Recent guidelines from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (the peak body in the field) recognise dental sleep appliances as a frontline treatment for snoring and mild-to-moderate sleep apnea. In severe cases of sleep apnea the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine is the optimal treatment, in which air pressure of adjustable intensity is delivered through a nasal mask worn during sleep. However many people find it very difficult, or just cannot use CPAP.

This is where dental sleep appliances are an excellent alternative therapy – for people with severe sleep apnea when CPAP is not tolerated, or when having a machine is not possible i.e. travelling, camping, or no access to electricity.

Here are some answers to popular Frequently Asked Questions on how Dental Sleep Applicances and Jeremy Keating Dental Practice can support you on your way to a healthier sleep.

How does the dental sleep appliance work? Dental sleep appliances work by comfortably holding the lower jaw slightly forward, which prevents the tongue and structures at the back of the throat from collapsing into the airway. This keeps the airway open.

What is the best treatment for snoring? Dental sleep appliances are generally regarded as the most effective treatment for snoring, with the least side-effects. Studies demonstrate that dental sleep appliances are far more effective than surgical treatments. Surgery is only around 55% effective with significant potential side-effects including severe post-operative pain and regurgitation of food through the nose.

Comfortable, effective and easy to use Dental sleep appliances are comfortable and easy to use with studies demonstrating 95% effectiveness in overcoming snoring. Recent guidelines from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the peak body in the field, recognise dental sleep appliances as a frontline treatment for snoring and mild-to-moderate sleep apnea.

Do you also have sleep apnea? If you snore you also might have sleep apnea If you wake feeling somewhat unrefreshed and are sleepy during the day then your snoring may be more than just a noise – it may be a sign of an underlying medical condition called sleep apnea. Up to 70% of adults who regularly snore have sleep apnea, with most unaware they have this condition.

What is Sleep Apnea? Sleep apnea is caused by soft tissues in the throat, including the tongue, collapsing against the back of the throat. This obstructs the upper airway and air flow is reduced. This cycle of obstruction and then breathing can occur many times per hour disrupting the quality of sleep. Sleep apnea can cause high blood pressure, heart and health problems and is an important cause of excessive daytime sleepiness.

***Important note: It is possible to have significant sleep apnea even if no one has seen you stop breathing. Often it is the more severe cases where breathing is halted completely for a period of time.

Benefits of Dental Sleep Appliances: • You and your partner can look forward to a quiet night of sleep. • Wake up feeling refreshed. • Improved quality of life with a better mood and greater vitality. • Decreased risk of fatigue-related vehicle and work accidents. • Improved work performance due to greater concentration and energy levels. • Decreased risk of heart disease, stroke and blood pressure problems.

Dental Sleep Appliances the best solution Custom made, adjustable dental sleep appliances are scientifically proven and widely regarded by sleep physicians as the best available treatment for snoring and a frontline treatment for mild to moderate sleep apnea. Book in today for a consult with one of our dentists at Jeremy Keating Dental Practice.

**Reference: Assessment of dental sleep appliance treatment’ August-October 2010Assoc. Professor G Kennedy PhD BBSc Grad Dip Mntl Hlth Sci (Clin Hypn) Dip Clin Hypn MAPS Victoria University Dr Harry Ball B.D.Sc. L.D.S.(Melb) M. Counsell.(Lat) Grad. Dip. Counsell. & H.S.(Lat)


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Monday - Friday              8:00am - 5:00pm​

Saturday - Sunday         Closed


11 Kings Road,

Subiaco, Perth, WA 6008

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All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you. Contact us for more information. Rebates may vary depending on your individual health insurance fund.
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